You might not realize this, but your retirement plan is probably stealing from you.
The average retirement plan eats up about 2% in fees each year, i.e. 2% of YOUR money that's under management goes to the bank.
Even a 'cheap' plan charges 1%.
Now just imagine that instead of going into your bankers' pockets, that extra 1% per year went back into your retirement plan.
You might be thinking, 'Big deal, 1% is a rounding error.'
Maybe so. But compounded over a period of years or even decades, an extra 1% per year in your retirement account can add up to HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars.
That's essentially the amount of money your retirement plan ISN'T making... essentially the cost of an entire house.
Think about that again: the fees in a typical retirement plan are costing you a HOUSE.
Now, this is easily fixed. Because with the right structure, your retirement plan can soar.
The right structure means that you can move your retirement savings into physical cash, precious metals, foreign real estate, venture capital, or highly productive private businesses that generate substantial cashflow.
You can drastically slash your plan's fees. Boost your returns. Have MUCH more flexibility in what you invest in.
You can derive tremendous tax and estate planning benefits. And even shield your retirement savings from frivolous lawsuits or potential government confiscation down the road.
It all comes down to having the right structure.
This is a no-brainer, and today we're going to explore the FOUR key criteria in selecting the right structure, plus introduce you to a few options that can take your retirement to the next level.
(By the way, these four key criteria are important to understand regardless of where you're from, whether you have an RRSP, ISA, superannuation, or Roth IRA.)
Click here to read more and take control of your retirement savings.
The average retirement plan eats up about 2% in fees each year, i.e. 2% of YOUR money that's under management goes to the bank.
Even a 'cheap' plan charges 1%.
Now just imagine that instead of going into your bankers' pockets, that extra 1% per year went back into your retirement plan.
You might be thinking, 'Big deal, 1% is a rounding error.'
Maybe so. But compounded over a period of years or even decades, an extra 1% per year in your retirement account can add up to HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars.
That's essentially the amount of money your retirement plan ISN'T making... essentially the cost of an entire house.
Think about that again: the fees in a typical retirement plan are costing you a HOUSE.
Now, this is easily fixed. Because with the right structure, your retirement plan can soar.
The right structure means that you can move your retirement savings into physical cash, precious metals, foreign real estate, venture capital, or highly productive private businesses that generate substantial cashflow.
You can drastically slash your plan's fees. Boost your returns. Have MUCH more flexibility in what you invest in.
You can derive tremendous tax and estate planning benefits. And even shield your retirement savings from frivolous lawsuits or potential government confiscation down the road.
It all comes down to having the right structure.
This is a no-brainer, and today we're going to explore the FOUR key criteria in selecting the right structure, plus introduce you to a few options that can take your retirement to the next level.
(By the way, these four key criteria are important to understand regardless of where you're from, whether you have an RRSP, ISA, superannuation, or Roth IRA.)
Click here to read more and take control of your retirement savings.
You might not realize this, but your retirement plan is probably stealing from you. The average retirement plan eats up about 2% in fees each year, i.e. 2% of YOUR money that’s under management goes to the bank. Even a ‘cheap’ plan charges 1%. Now just imagine that instead of going into your bankers’ pockets,…
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