June 2024 SC Q&A

Sovereign Confidential

Monthly Q&A

In this resource we've covered...

In this month's report, we covered several important world events, from Trump's conviction to the positive results in the European Parliament elections. 

We also look into crime dynamics in Latin America over the past five years and review the latest MM2H residency program changes in Malaysia, which are hopefully here to stay. 

Finally, we consider whether Armenia is a great Plan B destination — hint: it can be an excellent choice for the right individual.

Here are all the events covered in this month’s enhanced Q&A rollup:

Global Events

  • Trump’s Conviction: Opening a Can of Worms
  • Europeans are voting socialism away. Is the United States next?
  • Turkey Announces Digital Nomad Visa (DNV) Program
  • El Salvador is Now Latin America’s Safest Country


  • Malaysia (hopefully) finalizes the details of their new MM2H program
  • The new Greek Immigration Law has impacted the Financially Independent Person (FIP) Visa.

Questions & Answers

  • Is Armenia a great Plan B destination?

Global Events (crucial for your Plan B) Trump’s Conviction: Opening a Can of Worms Several years ago, we wrote about Martin Shkreli, who gained infamy by raising the price of the life-saving medication Daraprim by over 5,000% literally overnight.  While Shkreli’s actions were widely condemned, we argued that in “the land of the free,” people…

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