Why Silver Bullion offers unparalleled safety for your precious metals

Sovereign Confidential

Monthly Letter

We’ve been talking about Silver Bullion for several years and have the utmost trust in the organization and its founder Gregor Gregersen.

But in light of everything that happened with Bordeaux Cellars, we felt it was reasonable to take another look at Silver Bullion and conduct a surprise inspection.

So I recently asked our Chief Investment Strategist Tim Staermose (editor of the 4th Pillar) to travel to Singapore to conduct a review of the Silver Bullion facility.

Tim spent a lot of time there interviewing Gregor about the facility and its intake, ownership titling, storage, and security practices. And Tim conducted an impromptu audit of bullion stored at the Safe House, their in-house vault.

If you’d like to see what the storage facility looks like, hear Gregor discuss its innovative titling practices – he’s soon to add blockchain – and see the audit, we filmed a comprehensive video of Tim’s visit.

Our take-away is clear: Silver Bullion remains one of the most advanced and transparent secure storage facilities for precious metals in the world.

Click here to learn more about Silver Bullion and why we consider it a safe place for storing your precious metals.




We’ve been talking about Silver Bullion for several years and have the utmost trust in the organization and its founder Gregor Gregersen. But in light of everything that happened with Bordeaux Cellars, we felt it was reasonable to take another look at Silver Bullion and conduct a surprise inspection. So I recently asked our Chief…

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